Forest Lake Talks

Shrove Tuesday

February 23, 2020

Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday, signals the end of Epiphany on the church calendar. It comes the day before Ash Wednesday. This day is also called Fat Tuesday and Pancake Day. In Germany and German American areas of the United States, it is known as Fastnacht Day. In France it is called Mardi Gras which means Fat Tuesday.

The word shrove is the past tense of the word shrive, meaning to confess and seek forgiveness, being "shriven" of sin. Many Christians observe Shrove Tuesday and often host pancake suppers as a way to recognize the day. Eating pancakes on this day is
believed to have come about as a way to use up butter, eggs, milk, and fat in preparation for fasting during Lent.

Gathering for fun to eat pancakes and all things fattening on Shrove Tuesday has been a Christian tradition since the 16th century. It combines repentance and preparing for the Lenten season with a festive spirit.

Shrove Tuesday serves as a reminder we are about to enter the season of Lent and  prepares all Christians for a time of reflection and spiritual renewal. It is traditional to reflect on what type of fasting one may do during Lent.

Join us for a Shrove (Fat)Tuesday Pancake Supper at 5:30pm on Tuesday, Feb 25, cooked by the Men's Breakfast and Bible Study Group. This will be our Kirk Meal for the week. Reservations can be made with the pew card, calling the church office, or registering online by noon, Monday, February 24.

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