10/4/21 Devotional from Ed
Click here for a recap of Sunday school from October 3, “take home” activities, and the Sunday school schedule for October 10.
Text: John 1:35-37
The next day John again was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by, he exclaimed, “Look, here is the Lamb of God!” The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus.
Devotional: One of the many traits of being born a human is we love power and being in control, so where does the power reside in this passage above?
We read that John announces Jesus’ arrival, and upon the disciples hearing “him say this,” they follow Jesus. Is John “in charge?”
But what about Jesus? The disciples choose to follow him, so doesn’t that imply Jesus has the power or influence?
Or does the “power” originate with the disciples? They heard John, they saw Jesus, and they then followed Jesus.
What is it we, disciples of Christ, hear each day? Who do we listen to? Who do we follow? Is it Jesus, or is it something else? Is it both? Does it change based on the situation or day?
Over the next four weeks at Forest Lake, our children, youth, and adults will explore in Sunday school what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Join us!
Prayer: Dear God, Fill us with your Spirit this day and beyond. May we see Christ in others, and may others see Christ in us. May we continue to be the disciple you call each of us into becoming. Amen.