Sunday Night FLY (6th-12th) meets on Sunday Evenings from 5:15-7 PM
FLY Sunday Morning Faith Formation (6-12th) meets on Sunday mornings at 11 AM
HS FLY Lunch meets on Selected Sundays from 12-1 PM at a church Member’s House
Important Dates that are coming up!
Middle School Christmas Party 12/15
Confirmation Kick Off Lunch (8th-9th) 12/15
FLY and JV FLY Christmas Caroling 12/22
Epiphany Gathering 1/5
Youth Sunday 12/23
HS FLY Ski Trip 2/28-3/2
Confirmation retreat 3/21-3/22
Confirmation Sunday 5/18
HS Montreat Youth Conference 7/6-7/12 (full)
MS Montreat Youth Conference 7/16-7/20
Please Email Bill Wannamaker for more information
6500 North Trenholm Road
Columbia, SC 29206
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