Non-perishable Food – We have an ongoing collection of non-perishable food for Rehoboth Global Methodist Food Pantry. Pasta, mac and cheese are always needed, but any meal/pantry staple is greatly appreciated. There is a collection box downstairs at church.
Feminine Hygiene Products – Did you know that some female students have to miss school because they can’t afford period protection? A 2021 study by Kotex revealed that two out of three people who menstruate in the US have struggled to afford period supplies at some point in their lives (
We are collecting feminine hygiene items that will be donated to Richland Northeast High School and Dent Middle school. In addition to those items, the schools have asked for women’s leggings (all sizes), women’s underwear (all sizes), and men’s spray deodorant. Items may be left in the collection box downstairs at church.
Pet Supplies for Final Victory Animal Shelter and Columbia Animal Services – Supplies needed: sheets, towels, blankets, pet food (can be opened), cat litter, laundry detergent, pet toys (new or GENTLY used), leashes, collars, carriers and crates. The collection box is located downstairs in the welcome area.
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Columbia, SC 29206
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