More Justice

Dear Friends,

It is time again for us to talk about Justice. I know that there is a real and authentic discussion to have over what justice means, but for those of us who believe that Scripture is the Word of God, there is really no discussion about whether Christians are to be engaged in seeking justice. Working for justice is required of those who follow Jesus. But exactly how to pursue justice is trickier.

I invite you to take one evening of your life and spend it with me at the Nehemiah Action event on Monday, May 12th at 6pm at the Eau Claire High School. The Nehemiah Action is a one-evening event at which elected officials will be asked to commit to small, measurable steps to address three issues that affect our whole community: Affordable Housing, Gun Violence, and Food Justice. Through MORE Justice (the organizer and sponsor of this annual event), volunteers from all the member congregations have been working all year to meet with elected officials and to identify best practices that address these three stubborn problems. We are not able to “solve” these issues with simple answers, because they are complex problems. But we are not allowed by our Lord and Savior to ignore them or to do nothing because we can’t solve the whole issue. We can make things better. But to let our elected officials (who have the power and authority to make change happen) know that we are serious about making positive change happen we attend The Nehemiah Action. When we attend, we don’t DO anything except bear witness and show up so that they will know that we care. And I know your hearts. I know that you do care that Richland County has ranked near the top of the national list of counties in numbers of evictions. That’s a distinction that our elected officials don’t often talk about! I know that you care that gun violence and gun thefts put us all at risk. I know that you care about how much groceries cost, and you know that being able to have access to fresh, real food (as opposed to processed, cheap food) is essential for all of God’s children. I know you care about these things. What I don’t know is, will you please consider attending the Nehemiah Action? We will carpool from the Church to attend. So, you do not need to drive. If you are already committed for Monday, May 12th, then plan to attend next year. If you are not already committed, will you please come with us to bear witness and to ask (in a respectful and quiet way) that our government do what they can do to make our community safer, more stable and more healthy? I don’t know of another way to work for Justice. And, personally, I don’t want Jesus to come again and for me to have done nothing. Come with me. Email the church office – – or plan to stay in the sanctuary after worship on Sunday, April 27th for an informational meeting to find out more.

See you there!

Ellen Fowler Skidmore