A Lectionary is an assigned schedule of readings/passages from The Bible that are used both in daily worship and Sabbath worship in many Christian Churches. Forest Lake Presbyterian Church most often follows the Revised Common Lectionary. The RCL is a three-year cycle of passages that assigns for each Sunday and Christian holiday readings from The Old Testament, The Psalms, The Epistles or other writings, and one of the four Gospels.
The use of a lectionary as a focus for worship ensures that a congregation, over time, will hear the various voices and lessons of Scripture and not be captive to the favorite texts of the pastor. Use of the Lectionary allows a congregation to learn from the whole of Scripture, invites us to consider how multi-faceted and rich the message of Scripture is, and prevents us from focusing only on the messages of Scripture with which we are comfortable and so avoid the challenge that Scripture brings.
Nursery staff are available on Sunday mornings. Look for an usher on Sunday mornings to direct you to the nursery. Please take a beeper with you after signing in, in case the Nursery Staff need to contact you during worship. Older children are invited to attend worship with their parents. Children’s bulletins and coloring pages are available as you enter the sanctuary.
Forest Lake Youth (FLY) meets weekly. Contact the Youth Director or the News and Events Happenings page for announcements. Children’s Sunday school takes place after worship.
If a church is called “Presbyterian” it means that our identity was formed in some important ways by the events of the Protestant Reformation that happened in Europe in the 13th – 16th Centuries. That history has shaped our theology and our government. However, there are multiple Presbyterian Denominations. Forest Lake is a part of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. This is the largest Presbyterian denomination in the U.S. and is by far the most diverse. With just under 1 ½ million members in around 9,400 different congregations, PC(USA) Congregations fall all along the theological spectrum and tend to be more diverse than the smaller Presbyterian denominations. PC(USA) is the only Presbyterian Denomination that mandates that women be equal to men in ministry and be equally represented on our leaderboards. PC(USA) is also the only Presbyterian denomination in the U.S. that allows same-sex marriage and ordains openly LGBT members in a committed relationship as clergy and as lay leaders.
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Columbia, SC 29206
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