December 18 Advent Devotional
December 18, 2019
Scripture: Romans 8: 22-23 22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now; 23 and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies.
Despite our society’s ills, or perceived ills, the idea that the world is in ruin is not a new phenomenon. The world and Gods people have, since biblical times, cried out in great pain and longed to be delivered into a greater place.
We as believers should be an example to others. We have received the Spirit of God that should shine for others to see and help us with our wait. While this does not absolve us from trying to right wrongs when we see them, it should help know that God’s will ultimately will be done.
Time for us mortals is not God’s time. We become anxious and scared as we wait for God to deliver us or our world into a better place. God has directed us to be true believers in his word and that we will be delivered into a better place, but on his time.
Prayer: Dear God, Help us remain calm in the face of worldly uncertainty. Help us to show our inner peace to others as examples of how believers handle pain and uncertainty. We know that you are in charge and your will is the ultimate goal for the world and for us as children of God. May the peace of this understanding carry us through difficult times and know that in your time we will be delivered.
Submitted by: Jeff Binnicker