A Message from Ellen

Dear Friends,

Hidden in my Bible is a quote that I found years ago and saved. “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Louis Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” The quote is attributed to American author, H. Jackson Brown Jr.

The very unexpected death of my beloved brother-in-law three weeks ago has only underscored for me the urgency of choosing to spend the time God gives me on the things that are most important. And when all is said and done, what is more important than seeking to know God, to love God, and to serve God? If we hold our schedules and budgets up and look at them through that filter, how do they hold up?
We do not have to come to church to know God, love God, or serve God. But my own experience is that unless I have some accountability and a plan to do something, very little happens. So, I offer you the resources and accountability of our church family to make sure that we do spend our time focusing on what is true, eternal, and the source of real life. [Confession: more time spent watching the never-ending angst of news shows doesn’t make the top 100 priority list for me!].
What do you need to grow in your love for God? Is it community? Is it knowledge of Scripture? Is it serving others? Is it worship time? Are you making a plan and inviting others to hold you accountable to do what you say is important?
We are holding faith formation classes for all ages immediately after worship throughout the month of July. Vacation Bible School begins next Sunday evening – July 14th – and goes for four nights. Register today through our website under “News and Events” – You can register to eat and come to the classes, or just register for the classes. Then, July 28th from 3 to 5pm, you are invited to come to the Block Party that is sponsored by The Decker Collective (our partnership with Serve and Connect), and is intended to help us get to know our neighbors. Let me just say that there is not a lack of options for growth in faith at FLPC. What we need more of is an urgency in all our hearts to know, to love, and to serve God.
It is so easy to tend to the “tyranny of the urgent” and not evaluate how we are spending our time and energy. Don’t waste the next 24 hours. No one gets out of this life alive. We all want our lives to count, and spending them on knowing, loving and serving the eternal God is a sure way to make our lives matter.
See you in worship! (and at VBS!),
Ellen Fowler Skidmore