A Message from Ellen


I know that many of you will be travelling for the Memorial Day weekend.  It is a great joy and relief to be able, once again, to go and to do.  If you are travelling, I hope that it is a source of great joy and refreshment for you!  Please come home to us safe and well!!!

School is almost done and after Memorial Day, summer begins in earnest!  Yay!  I have some squash growing and had a piece of watermelon the other day that was delicious!  But even as the seasons change, I hope and pray that you will not take a vacation from your faith and from our corporate worship.  On Sunday, June 2nd, we will be giving Bibles to all our graduating Second Graders in worship.  That Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, and we will be celebrating communion as well.  We are brave enough to pass communion plates. Yes! Actual juice and bread will be passed instead of the self-contained elements – although those will still be available for anyone who wants them for safety or home celebration!   And the Sunday Morning Faith Formation Classes will continue to be offered for children and adults.  Bill Wannamaker and Education Ministry have other plans for our youth faith formation!

My plea is this, while zoom is good and at times necessary, it is not a replacement for being in the place and being present with others.  Don’t disappear this summer.  The community is only the community when you are present.  Recommit yourself to corporate worship, and to prayer and study.  Take the reduced pressure of summer schedules to ask yourself what you want and need to grow in the practice of your faith.  Since it is easier to get up when the sun comes up earlier, pray before your feet hit the floor.  Seek God’s presence.  And if you are not sure how to do that, come see me or ask someone who lives and embodies Christian maturity in your life.  Ask them what they do to know, love, and serve God.

Summer gives us the chance to prioritize family time, recreation, rest and re-connection with family and friends.  Those are excellent priorities.  So, where does practicing your faith and worshiping God fall in your list of priorities.  I hope higher than sleeping in or reading the paper (if anyone does that anymore).  Please make worship, prayer and the reading of Scripture a priority this summer.

See you in worship!

Ellen F. Skidmore