A Message from Ellen 6-7-23
The good news at FLPC is coming in thick and fast. Let me spread some around!
First, our very own Katie Pittman began working with FLPC on Monday as our summer intern! Katie grew up at FLPC (daughter of David and Kathy Pittman and granddaughter of Joe and Kathryn Hall), and just finished her junior year at Queens College in Charlotte, NC! At Queens, Katie is pursuing a degree in Art History and Art Leadership and Administration, and she is working on a minor in Interfaith Studies. At Queens, Katie worked with Dr. Adrian Bird – the campus chaplain – to facilitate programing, and this idea of working in and through Forest Lake grew out of conversations we had about Katie’s passions and interests. Katie is working part-time (20 hours a week) for FLPC and is also working an additional 10 hours a week supporting the Campus Ministry (UKirk) at USC with Rev. John Cook! She will help lead worship and show up in all sorts of places. Welcome Katie when you see her! Katie’s presence will definitely bring energy and new ideas to FLPC, and I am excited for FLPC to become not only Katie’s home congregation, but also a teaching congregation for her!
Second, the FLPC Endowment [begun in 2001 with a balance of $49,931.08] was privileged to give away $78,280 this year to causes that “expand and enrich the mission of the church.” I want to say a special word of thanks to the Endowment Committee: Corky Clark (chair), Tina Clark, Jackie Cominotti, Tom Leclair, Jane Shear, Bill Hancock, and Paige George! This group prayed and worked through applications that requested more than we had to award and came up with a powerful list of 16 projects and initiatives that will make our community stronger. See inside the newsletter for a list of those grant awards. One more way in which we can bring good news to bad news all around us.
Third, our Compass Partnership with Serve and Connect is picking up steam this summer. We held a teacher appreciation luncheon for teachers at Richland Northeast High School on June 1st. I just received a thank you note from the RNE Mathematics Department thanking FLPC for our active support and asking for our prayers for the students, teachers, and parents! See inside this newsletter for a summary of the upcoming events this summer and consider being a part of the work to bring good news to the neighborhoods north of Decker Blvd. this summer and beyond.
Time and space only allow me to mention 2nd grade Bibles, Vacation Bible School plans, Bible Bootcamp for elementary school students, food gleaning opportunities, and a revitalized Kid’s Garden producing food for our neighbors! Now the Service begins!
Let us worship God!