A Message from Ellen

Dear Friends,

On Sunday, November 18th at 4pm our congregation is invited to join with the Jewish and Christian Congregations in and around our North Trenholm Road area to give God thanks and in recognition of the national holiday of Thanksgiving!  We will worship that afternoon at Rehoboth United Methodist Church.  Nursery is provided.

The records say that our congregation has participated in this Community Thanksgiving Service since 1987!  And, to my knowledge, this is the only Interfaith Thanksgiving Service in Columbia!

Rabbi Eric Mollo (Tree of Life Congregation) said that the Jewish community has estimated that there were approximately 1,500 people who descended upon Beth Shalom Synagogue on Tuesday, October 30th for the Service of Solidarity following the synagogue shootings in Pittsburg.  Whenever there is a tragedy, we remember our interconnectedness and our interdependence.  And, as has been said, the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. (The source of this quote has been disputed, so I don’t know how to attribute it.  But the truth of the statement may not be disputed.)

While I was honored and moved to be part of that giant congregation on October 30th, I hope that you know that this sort of support and solidarity among people of good faith must continue.  So, I feel sure that if you were at the Solidarity Service at Beth Shalom, that you will want to come to the Community Thanksgiving Service.  It gives us yet another small but concrete way to witness to the power of love in the world.  And if you were not able to be present at the service at Beth Shalom, here is another opportunity to live out the Great Commandment: to love God with heart, mind, soul and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

The service is only one hour, and this year the Rev. Beth McConnell (from Kathwood Baptist) will be preaching in the sanctuary of Rehoboth UMC.  The other congregations who participate are:  Beth Shalom Synagogue, Bethel United Methodist, Petersen Presbyterian, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal and Tree of Life Congregation.  Following the service there is a simple reception where we can talk to our neighbors.  And an offering for Harvest Hope Food Bank will be collected.

I know that this time of year you could be in a million different places on any given Sunday afternoon.  Why not make Sunday, November 18th the day when you stand with neighbors to give God thanks?!

I hope to see you there.

Ellen Fowler Skidmore