A Message from Ellen 4-10-24
In Genesis 2, Scripture says that “The Lord God took the human and settled him in the garden of Eden to farm it and to take care of it.” (Genesis 2:15 – CEB Translation) All humans are charged with the care of creation. There are no exceptions. I don’t care if you have a “black thumb” or can’t tell the difference between an annual and a perennial. You are still charged by God to care for creation.
One of the things that attracted me to FLPC eighteen years ago was the attention this congregation gives to the stewardship of and care for creation. I LOVE that we have a Kid’s Garden that provides organic produce for our neighbors. I LOVE that we are one of the few churches that has ever had an energy audit, and that the Property Ministry has worked to reduce the amount of energy we use. I LOVE that we have a closet and a spot in our new kitchen dedicated to recycling. I LOVE that we hold an Earth Day Sunday to help us think creatively about how we can become better stewards of creation.
Sometimes the most important thing we can do is to pay attention to the good. There is so much that is good and beautiful in creation. Come and spend some time with us as we celebrate creation and learn how to be better care-takers!