A Message from Ellen 3-17-20

Dear Friends,

Even as I write this, I know that our situation will have changed by the time you read what I am writing.  This experience is new and difficult for us all, but if there is a situation where God’s Church and God’s people are needed, it is now.

Your Session met on Sunday night and made quite a few important decisions, but the most pressing is their decision to cancel both worship services in the sanctuary and Kirk Night dinners through the end of March.  They decided, given the fluid situation, to allow the church leadership to make their own decisions regarding meetings of other small groups (Ministries and Studies).  No one, who wishes not to participate in an event or class, should feel pressured.  And, at the same time, it may be that some groups want and need to continue their work in small settings, observing safeguards as prudent. So, if you are not certain, check our website calendar and/or the leader of your group or class.  The Church office intends to maintain normal working hours as long as that is wise and prudent.

Your staff met on Monday morning to go to work to implement and to interpret the decisions of Session.  I have not yet determined how or if to try to stream some sort of remote worship, to which you can be invited, but will keep you posted.  I have asked the company that will be installing our livestreaming equipment to do so as quickly as possible.  Most of our regular weekly groups have elected to cease meeting for now.  Please visit our Website under “News and Events” for updates.  And, after much discussion, Bill Wannamaker, our Youth Director, is going to invite our older students (High School and College) who will be doing their school work remotely, to come to sit at tables in our Fellowship Hall if they wish (at least 6 feet apart) to use our Wi-Fi and to at least have some semblance of community.  And our hard working Deacons are making a special effort to contact especially our most vulnerable members to check on them and make sure that they have what they need.  In this liminal time, I hope that one of our daily prayers will be, “Lord, show me how to serve today as a comfort, a guide and a helper.” 

It is a time for prayer, for compassion, for patience and kindness and for courage.  We do not know what the future holds.  But we do know who holds the future.  That news is very good.

Peace and Grace be with you all!

Ellen Fowler Skidmore