A Message from Ellen

Dear Friends,

I hope that you will accept my invitation to think about how you might grow in your faith and Christian life by thinking/praying about/focusing on the four values that your Elders and Deacons are using as a focus for their leading and planning in our congregation.

We are focusing on Joy, Generosity, Reconciliation, and Presence over the next four weeks. Please listen to the sermons, seek out and read our church blog ( ) and consider how God is calling you to change and to be transformed to better reflect God’s love and purpose onto the world.

This Sunday, Dan will focus on Generosity. And I am certain that this value is essential and core to our growth in faith. Rather than fear, scarcity and anxiety, those who follow Christ are called to a different way of being in the world. We are to share what we have with those in need and support the work that serves God’s purposes in the world.

Here at Forest Lake I am grateful to be able to ask directly for your financial support, just as I ask for your time and energy. I believe in what we are doing and pray that you do too. So, in order to grow in that work, we need your financial support. We will be sending you a packet of information about what we have done in this last year – how we have invested what you gave to our church in 2018 – and also information about what your leaders would like to do in 2019.

Please read this packet when you receive it in the mail the week of October 8th!

I get requests in the mail every day for financial support. The needs are great! But I want to encourage you to choose from among the requests in ways that reflect what you believe. And to give in ways that are more than giving the leftovers. I ask that you consider how to give in a way that causes you to become more intentional about what you support. It is that intentionality that helps us grow in our ability to be generous. If we give a dollar here or ten dollars there – out of whatever we have in our pockets or what is left over – that supports the cause, but it doesn’t help us change. Give in such a way that you grow in generosity!

Please begin thinking and praying now about what you would like to pledge to support the work of Forest Lake Presbyterian Church. Then, please read your packet when it comes in the mail. You will receive a phone call on October 11th in the evening to ask if you got your packet. Please keep an eye out and then answer your phone and tell the FLPC member who calls you – YES! I got it, and I have read it!!

Your staff, Elders and Deacons will make their pledges of financial support on October 21st. The Congregation is asked to make their pledges on October 28th. I ask for your prayerful and thoughtful and faithful response.
See you in worship!

Ellen Fowler Skidmore