A Message from Ellen

Dear Friends,

I am encouraged by how much of our effort and volunteer time is being spent outside of the walls of FLPC.  Of course, there is a tremendous amount of energy that goes into keeping our internal programs and missions working.  But, recently there has been a lot of outward mission also.  Let me tell you what I see.

First, our youth went to Charlotte a couple of weekends ago and spent the weekend working in a community garden, homeless shelter and otherwise doing good in Charlotte.  They participated in a program in Charlotte called CROSS mission that is sponsored by Myers Park Presbyterian!

Second, we just hosted an almost full house of Family Promise guests!  It takes a small army of volunteers to cook, clean and host these families who would be homeless unless they were staying with us.  And this time we had one family with five small children!  Hospitality of spirit and space is absolutely at the core of what it means to be a follower of Jesus.  If you have not yet volunteered to help with this ministry, your next chance is in July!  Don’t delay.

Third, we have just finished three, remarkable nights of conversations between members and guests of FLPC and the Mosque As-Salaam.  Imam Omar Shaheed and members of their congregation were present for conversations about what we share and about where we differ.  In a world where hate seems to be the primary motivator, it is refreshing to be part of a group whose motivating factor is love for the other and the willingness to listen and to learn.

Fourth, because of FLPC’s outward mission, Thornwell has invited our whole congregation to visit their campus on Sunday, April 7th immediately following worship to see and to dedicate a building that was renovated with FLPC sweat equity and endowment dollars!  Your church at work for the good of children who need advocates and a safe place to live and grow!

Fifth, we have another Tour de Cure Team this year!  Marshall Brown is organizing this effort to ride bikes to raise money for The American Diabetes Association!  You can ride five miles or 100 miles!  Every bit of the sponsorship money that is raised goes to diabetes research.  And you will be the better for the riding.  The Tour de Cure will be Saturday April 13th

Well, there is more to tell, but I am out of space!  You will have to read the E-News and Newsletter and come to worship to find out more!!

See you in worship!

Ellen Fowler Skidmore