Forest Lake Talks

A Message from Ed

August 31, 2022

If you missed it in worship on August 28, go back and watch the choir’s anthem (about 46 minutes into the service). Thanks be to God for blessing our choir with musical gifts, and thanks be to God for sending the Spirit into the sanctuary to empower our congregation to sing and clap along! Let’s do that again soon…

Here’s an excerpt of what they sang:

I will sing of God’s mercy

Every day, every hour

He gives me power

I will sing and give thanks to Thee

For all the dangers, toils and snares

That he has brought me out

No matter what the test

Trust and never doubt

Jesus will surely bring you out

He never failed me yet.

As you know, sometimes God’s voice can be heard through the sound of an instrument or choir member. Sometimes God’s voice can be heard through a teacher or coworker.

Maybe God’s voice is being spoken through YOU.

A favorite seminary professor would always close classes with the following charge: “May you be blessed. And may you be the blessing that God calls you into becoming.” When I read or hear those words, I’m reminded that each of us has a chance to continue growing in our faith on a daily basis. The Holy Spirit touches each of us in different ways. You may have heard God’s voice in the sanctuary (or watching online) on Sunday, but you may have also heard God’s voice nudging you to try something new this fall. Someone at FLPC may have heard God’s voice through you when you asked them to sign up for something you’re leading this fall.

Our discipleship is never finished. Our discipleship is an ongoing process that requires trust – trust that the Spirit’s nudging to step out of the boat is a voice we need to hear.

Join us this fall for something new.

And here’s a little more of the blessing from Professor Carson Brisson:

May joy and nothing less find you on the way.

May you be blessed, oh may you be a blessing God calls you into becoming.

And may light, Love’s own crucified risen light

Guide you and uncounted others

You and me and uncounted others out of every darkness

Some of which are absolutely beyond imagining

All the way home

This is what I believe about home:

Those most home, you can see them, you can find them,

Those most home relentlessly seek the very least home.

See you at your church “home,”


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