The Fourth Week of Lent – Thursday

by Jill Duffield, Presbyterian Outlook editor


For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.

How do God’s power, self-discipline and love go together? How might they go together for disciples of Jesus Christ? Loving requires intentionality, effort, practice, God’s power and our self-discipline. How do you see these three things working together in your life and faith community? Where do you need most to practice self-discipline in order to be more loving?

God of power and might, we often lack self-discipline and fail to love as we ought. Self-centeredness replaces self-discipline. Selfishness overtakes your call to serve you and others. Forgive us for trusting in our own power, rather than relying on yours. Strengthen our self-discipline so that we can love you and our neighbors fearlessly. Amen.