
Sermon Archive

Our sermons are archived below. If you are looking for recordings of the entire service, please go to our Vimeo Channel here.

SERMON | Rooted and Grounded
Preacher: Carter Grant
Date: 07/29/18
Ephesians 3:14-21
SERMON | Our Heart’s Deepest Desire
Preacher: Dr. Ellen Skidmore
Date: 07/22/18
Mark 6:30-34; Ephesians 2:11-22
SERMON | Paying Attention
Preacher: Dr. Ellen Skidmore
Date: 07/15/18
Mark 6:14-29; Ephesians 1:3-14
SERMON | Real Life, Real Faith
Preacher: Dr. Dan Holloway
Date: 07/08/18
Ezekiel 2:1-5; Mark 6:1-13
SERMON | In the Face of Wind and Waves
Preacher: Dr. Ellen Skidmore
Date: 06/24/18
Job 38:1-11; Mark 4:35-41
SERMON | Marks of the Community of Jesus
Preacher: Dr. Ellen Skidmore
Date: 07/01/18
Mark 5:21-43; 2 Corinthians 8:7-15
SERMON | God’s Economy
Preacher: Carter Grant
Date: 06/17/18
Ezekiel 17:22-24; Mark 4:26-34
SERMON | “How Could God Do This to Us?”
Preacher: Dr. Ellen Skidmore
Date: 06/10/18
1 Samuel 8:1-22; 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
SERMON | The Trouble With God!
Preacher: Rev. Ellen Fowler Skidmore
Date: 06/03/18
1 Samuel & Mark
SERMON | The Case of the Missing Witness
Preacher: Dr. Dan Holloway
Date: 05/13/18
18 Acts 1:15-17, 21-26
Sermon Audio
The Case of the Missing Witness
Dr. Dan Holloway
SERMON | Celebration of Discipleship
Preacher: Bill Wannamaker, Hart Mershon, Paul & Jane VanWyke
Date: 05/06/18
Sermon Audio
Celebration of Discipleship
Bill Wannamaker, Hart Mershon, Paul & Jane VanWyke
SERMON | What is Evangelism?
Preacher: Dr. Ellen Skidmore
Date: 04/29/17
John 15:1-12; Acts 8:26-38
Sermon Audio
What is Evangelism?
Dr. Ellen Skidmore
SERMON | Mindful of Downstream
Preacher: Dr. Ellen Skidmore
Date: 04/27/18
Ezekiel 34:17-22; Matthew 6:25-33
Sermon Audio
Mindful of Downstream
Dr. Ellen Skidmore