A Message from Ellen
February 15, 2023
February 15, 2023
Dear Friends,
The images from Turkey and Syria are difficult to digest. The news from Ukraine is unnerving. The reports of bomb threats in our local schools leave us wondering what is happening. And this week there was “another” mass shooting in Michigan. How did we get to the place where we can say “another” mass shooting?! What are we to do?
We cannot influence world leaders or fix the devastation of an earthquake a world away. We can donate to reputable aid agencies. The PC(USA) is one such aid agency. You can contribute to aid for Ukraine, Turkey/Syria, and other ongoing disasters at this link: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (pcusa.org). Beyond that we have total control over how we spend our time, energy, money, and influence here at home. Christians are commanded by Jesus to be light a lamp set on a lampstand (Matthew 5:14-16) showing others how to live. At a recent Session retreat, Rev. Mark Tidsworth told Session that “the way of Jesus is a beautiful way!” That has stuck with me. How we live our daily lives should be beautiful, because we walk in the way of Jesus!
So, our theme for Lent is “Seeking God’s Beautiful Way.” Lent is a season of self-reflection, prayer, and repentance that begins with Ash Wednesday (February 22nd) and ends with the celebration of Easter! So, the staff has chosen to focus on what it looks like to walk in the beautiful way of Jesus. Each Sunday we will focus on one characteristic that sets the way of Jesus apart from the way of evil, and that invites us to walk differently in the world.
Lent 1 – Repentance
Lent 2 – Mercy
Lent 3 – Humility/Meekness
Lent 4 – Peacemaking
Lent 5 – Justice
Palm Sunday – Sacrifice
Look inside for more details and keep your eyes open for a postcard in the mail that will help you remember important dates. If we say we follow Jesus, doesn’t that mean that we are the people who live in the world as Jesus lived? Need help with that? I do. Come and follow Jesus with us this Lenten Season. Mark your calendars now to join us for either a drive through Ash Imposition or for the worship service in the Sanctuary on Ash Wednesday, February 22nd. See inside for details.
Jesus said, “Follow Me!”
Ellen Fowler Skidmore