A Message from Ellen
December 21, 2022
December 21, 2022
Dear Friends,
Do you remember the old hymn, “Lord, make us more holy; Lord make us more holy; Lord make us more holy, until we meet again: holy, holy, holy, until we meet again.”?? If you don’t know that hymn, you might want to search for it on the internet. I warn you; it can be an earworm. It is not a Christmas song, but I found myself thinking about this old hymn as I contemplated all that still needs to be done before Christmas celebrations get here.
If you take time to read this newsletter, then I thank you. But, if you take time to sit and soak in the good news of the Christmas message, then you will find yourself thanking God. Please take time to appreciate the beauty of this season and the miracle of the Christmas message that God loves us so much that we are not left alone. Instead, God came to earth to live God’s love in the only way that we humans can experience love – in specific, time-bound, person specific form. God’s love encompasses the whole world, but it is also very specific. YOU are a child of God. And YOU belong to a God who loves you.
I don’t know where your heart and soul are this Christmas season. I know many of our church family and community are really struggling. If that is you, then please take time to slow down and seek God. Even if you can’t feel God’s love, I am certain it is still there: behind you, beneath you, beside you, in front of you, and in you. To sense God in hard times, we often have to be willing to sit “in the dark” for a while until our senses adjust and we can feel God’s presence again.
And if your heart and soul are in a joyful, happy place, please take time to slow down and seek God. Especially when we are grateful, it is important to thank God.
Whether you are weeping or celebrating, you are invited and welcome to worship the God of infinite love who knows you by name. We will celebrate the sacrament of communion on Christmas Eve at 5pm and 8pm. And then, we will have a brief, informal worship service to welcome Christ into the world and into our hearts on Christmas Day at 10am. We will gather again for worship on New Year’s Day at 10am, again to celebrate communion, a baptism, and All Saints! It is going to be cold outside. Come and warm your hearts at the flame of God’s love and with the warmth of Christian fellowship and worship. And if you don’t come to church, you can join us via livestream for all those services. And if you don’t do that, then make your own worship. Worship God in a way that makes sense to you. Talk to God about where your heart and soul are this Christmas season. Ask God for what you need to become more holy.
Until we meet again,
Merry Christmas.
Ellen F. Skidmore