A Message from Ellen
January 5, 2022
January 5, 2022
Dear Friends,
Sometimes I have a hard time keeping up with information, and I don’t think I am alone. In the church office we recognize that sometimes, even though we use all of our channels of communication to let you know about events and happenings, that message does not make it through the noise and busyness of your lives.
To try to make our communications easier to receive, we have a good website, we send out weekly emails that summarize the most current information, and then a longer newsletter is emailed and/or mailed every two weeks. That is in addition to the bulletin announcements each week. But we have recently added another tool that we believe you will find very helpful. Realm is our new communication software that allows you to find what you want to know and to communicate with others in our church more easily. The only “but” is that you do need to create a member login and use it. Directions for how to create a Realm Account are in this newsletter, and you will receive an email invitation from FLPC next Tuesday, January 11th. Please act on that invitation! When you create a Realm account, you will have instant access to the most up to date contact information for our members, without having to call the church office, and you can register for events, see all of your giving records, make payments, send emails and more. Please give this a try. It is our attempt to communicate clearly with all our faith family, but it only works if you receive our efforts.
And, on the theme of communication, please remember that there is a Congregational Meeting this Sunday, January 9th at 11am in the sanctuary. The meeting will be livestreamed, but to vote you must be present in the sanctuary. There are important items of business to accomplish (see the purposes listed in the newsletter and bulletins), and the Session’s Annual Report to the Congregation will be presented. That report is always long because there is so much good that happens through our congregation. If you are feeling disconnected and like you don’t know what is going on at church, please read this report! It will be available at the meeting on Sunday and attached to the worship email that goes out on Friday. The whole report will also be on the church’s website for a few weeks for you to read there. I can’t make you know things, but I can tell you where to look for the information that is important to you. And I hope and pray that what is going on in and through Forest Lake Presbyterian is important to you. It is important to me, and I can say that the Elders and Deacons and Staff of this church are remarkable in their passion, commitment, and service. Come and see what they see! The news is very good.
See you in worship!
Ellen F. Skidmore