Forest Lake Talks

A Message from Ellen

June 9, 2021

June 9, 2021

Dear Friends,

Sunday felt more like a real celebration of worship than it has in a long time (about 15 months to be exact!).  Having the choir back in the choir loft was exciting and different.  Having so many children and adults show up for Sunday School was amazing.  We heard children’s voices in the halls again.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!  And then, Ed Black did an amazing job of organizing the 2nd graders to receive their Bibles and to lead us in worship.  It was a wonderful day – all the way around.  Thank you to all who had a part in making Sunday School and Worship a real celebration.

It feels like things are coming back, and yet we know that things will never be the same.  The Session and I will continue to monitor the virus numbers and pray that more and more people will be vaccinated, that those who choose not to do so will wear masks, and that the number of infections will continue to decline.  We have learned that every decision is an “interim” decision and can be changed when the need arises.  Worship has been working on a plan that would allow us to drop the pre-registration for worship but still know who is in the sanctuary (just in case).  So, please stay tuned for how we proceed from here, and remember to treat your neighbors with love.

But even as we tiptoe back to a more normal routine, I have heard a strong resounding “YES!” from folks who are ready to reconnect with our church family.  And so, please know that we want you to come back if you have not yet ventured out!  Sunday school for children and adults will continue June 13 and 20.  What happens in July will depend on what you want to happen.  So, speak to Jodi Beckham, to Ed Black and to Elder Jessica Agee if you want Sunday School to continue through July.  We are in the middle of making plans for a fuller return to regular programs in August/September, assuming the numbers allow it.

And, I’d like to ask you to mark your calendars NOW for our 2021 Vacation Bible School.  This year, we will hold an intergenerational Vacation Bible School in the evenings (supper will be provided!) on August 1 -4!   Ed Black and Education have been hard at work to plan for four evenings to help us recenter ourselves in God and to reconnect with our church family.  That is the Theme:  Recentering in God with Our Faith Family. There will be programming for all ages, with multiple options for adults.  Food, Fun, Faith, and our Church Family . . . . . .  can I get an Amen?!  Please watch your newsletters for how to register to attend. 

Finally, the HVAC in the Fellowship Hall is finally being replaced, and we continue to give thanks for the pledges we are receiving for the Capital Campaign.  Please consider making a pledge if you have not yet done so.  If you’d like to know more about the projects included in this campaign, feel free to visit our website or call me or Dave and Suzanne Precht. We would be happy to talk with you about the needs. 

Come on home!  I sure have missed seeing everyone.

See you in worship!


Ellen Fowler Skidmore

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